Drain Tech has recently completed a land drainage project requiring an installed sump and pump station for Tony and Catherine Krybolder at Brucknell in Victoria's Southwest dairying district.
By Richard Gloyne|2018-08-23T22:37:47+10:00May 31st, 2016|News|Comments Off on Sump and Pump Station
Drain Tech recently undertook a Land Rehabilitation project for Bundaberg Sugar Limited. The 37 hectare block is located near South Kolan on the Bundaberg-Gin Gin Road and although it had a history of cane production, in recent years cropping had been abandoned due to salinity issues.
By Richard Gloyne|2018-08-22T16:15:55+10:00May 31st, 2016|News|Comments Off on Land Rehabilitation – Bundaberg Sugar Limited