Sugar cane drainage is essential to prevent springs and soaks reducing growth and disrupting harvest.

Sugar cane drainage provides ideal growing conditions, as sugar cane is typically grown in districts with high annual rainfall, with or without irrigation, and using soil types of varying drainage capacity.

If the soil type in a paddock changes from light to heavy, the rate of water flow through the soil changes rapidly.

This can result in localised areas of saturation and discharge. These sites are not suited to pipe laying using backhoes or excavators.

Digging at depth in unstable soils exposes workers and grade control to unacceptable risk. Drain Tech can dig, lay and place sand if required, at depth (often below the watertable) with guaranteed results.

Sub-surface sugar cane drainage can be used to permanently relieve this water pressure, and many soaks are controlled by a network of pipes, safely conveying the soil water to the edge of the block.

Salinisation is not uncommon in sugar cane growing districts, especially in areas using irrigation to boost growth.

Pipe drains at depth allow a ‘leaching fraction ‘ to occur which means the salt can be flushed from the profile and out of the root zone of the plant.